Please read the information below carefully.
Organizations must register all events with The SOURCE well in advance of the event date to allow for approvals. Please allow 2-3 weeks for UA contract processing and approval.
Food must be cultural food associated with an event intended to educate students about that specific culture and purchased from a restaurant or approved caterer on the UA Participating Caterers list.
Guest Speakers
Guest speakers: payment may include transportation and lodging for speaker (or speaker fee). Payment must be processed via the UA Contract Management process. Independent Contractor approval must be requested, and a Professional Service Agreement must be executed at least three weeks prior to the event date.
Third Party Staff
Musicians, bands, DJs, photographers, videographers: Payment must be processed via the UA Contract Management process. Independent Contractor approval, Professional Services Agreement and/or UA Contract approval must be executed at least three weeks prior to the event date. If a UA student is contracted for these services, the student must have a valid business.
Venue rental: includes on and off-campus venue rental fees. If there is a venue rental agreement, the agreement must be routed though the UA Contract Management Process for UA signatures; Approval must be executed three weeks prior to the event date.
Equipment rental: Funding allocated for the rental of equipment is subject to UA Purchasing Policies, UA Risk Management Policies, and state legislation. If a contract is to be executed, it must be signed and approved through the UA Contract Management process.
Allowable Expenses
- Venue rentals
- Miscellaneous rentals
- Guest speakers, musicians, DJ, band, photographer and/or videographer (with appropriate paperwork completed)
- PSA, contracts and Independent Contract forms must be approved no less than three weeks prior to the event.
- Decorations
- Cultural food (from a UA approved caterer) for a cultural event (in which the food is meant to educate students about a specific culture)
- Supplies that are expendable or not re-usable.
Prohibited Expenses
- Food not meant to educate students about a specific culture
- Any type of fundraising activities
- Holiday decorations
- Charitable contributions
- Gifts of any kind
- Venue costs associated with any banquet or celebratory event which is not open to ALL UA students
- Alcoholic beverages, bartender and/or corkage fee
- Venue that is primarily a bar
- Events located at a private residence
- Social registration fees
- Political campaign/lobbying
- Professional service fees associated with contracts/ agreements not submitted for execution by UA officials prior to the event date
- Events that are purely social in nature.